An Introduction

Hi, my name is Kurt Funke. I'm an Accounting major at North Central and I'm currently in my junior year. I may be doing math-related stuff for my career, but a true passion of mine has always been anything to do with film. Of course I watch movies and shows all the time, but I also find it so interesting to find out movies are created, how they are marketed, and how they influence others. I think any kind of cinema is one of the most powerful things in our society. I think my movie tastes actually tell a lot about who I am as a person. For example, one day I could be in the mood to watch everything Pixar. I could watch Coco, Cars, and Inside Out all in one sitting. The next day, I could be in the mood for serious dramas. Movies such as Catch Me If You Can and Good Will Hunting are some of my favorites here. Although, the stuff I watch the most often seems to be things like Seth Rogen comedies or even reality TV shows like Survivor. Basically, the point is that I enjoy pretty m...